First off, Thank you to all of the clients who have given me the opportunity to work with them since I started this venture. I rely 99% on word of mouth (20% positive), and without you I wouldn’t be here even able to pay the $3 web hosting fee. To the creditors: I promise I’ll call you back. Your call is important to me and will be answered in the order it was received…

Everyone is clearly fighting to get back to work, and I’ve had plenty of interesting projects coming through: We’re adding Anton Bauer plates & power outputs to Aaton 16mm cameras, outfitting cases for Highline Camera Rentals fleet of Bolex cameras & accessories, and helping Warner Brothers “All Rise 20/21 Series” with new cases to get rolling on what looks to be a promising season ahead. Let’s hope everyone safely gets back on their feet before congress fails us again on any sort of stimulus.

On that note, my next order of business is to create some sort of robot army that is ready to storm the White House once Trump & his truck-stop militia lose the election and refuse to be evicted. (Stay with me) I’m thinking something between Boston Dynamics’ robot dog (that creepy one with backwards knees)and maybe a fleet of rented drones to storm the grounds. People of Walmart, you had your fun. The party is over. Please collect your hideous offspring and move along. I look forward to the years of shame ahead (& stained legacy) of all complicit parties involved in these dark days of American History. Hang ’em High.

On a positive (and perhaps exploitative) note, I am however totally willing to manufacture and sell a quilt with the names of all Proud Boys lost in the courageous fight. For just $10, your high school dropout child can live forever with his name on a square on my quilt. For just $5 more, I can even mention his favorite Kid Rock or Toby Keith song, in the font of your choice of course. See? You thought that child would never “do no good” or “be nuthin'”, but just look at him now (all embroidered n’ at)!

Anyway, keep the great ideas & projects coming. I look forward to delaying your disappointment, making up surcharges, and selling you on something altogether different from what you asked for in the first place. I know what’s best for you.

Stand down, and stand by.
